Yes! We offer unequaled service for your domains
which is included FREE OF CHARGE with each domain name registration.
Whether you have a paid webhost, a home network IP, or a free website provider —
you will find 2Ya.com to be an incredible value.
If domain forwarding is a new concept to you,
Click Here
to learn how you can change
into this: YOURNAME.COM

Forward your domain to any URL you choose.
Unlike many registrars we don't charge for URL Masking or use advertisements.
Create 100 SubDomains (anything.yourname.com)
that go to any URL you choose! Learn More

You have access to edit all your DNS records (A, MX, MXE, CNAME)
, real-time DNS updates, and incredible speed, performance and
reliability using our geographically dispersed name servers.
Learn More

Don't have a website yet?
Park your domain at an "under contruction"
page you can customize until you build your website.
Meanwhile, take advantage of personalized email.
Buy your name before someone else does!
Learn More

All this may sound complicated, but our site
was built for the beginner yet offers
access experts will drool over.
Easily configure and manage
multiple domains through a secure user-friendly
control panel.
Learn More
Free ShortURL?
Want a free domain yourname.2Ya.com?
Go to our site: ShortURL.com
Domain Transfers
Already own a domain? Transfer it
for $14.95 and take advantage of our
(Includes 1 Yr extension)
Domain Benefits
Domain ownership has tremendous benefits. We've outlined
the top reasons you should act fast.
Click Here