If you are already a customer and are looking for help,
please Login and
click on the Control Panel FAQ for a comprehensive
knowlege base.
I've lost my password, what can I do?
How do I register a new name?
What is the TOTAL cost to register a domain name here INCLUDING InterNIC fees?
What is a domain name?
Are domains case sensitive? Is thisdomain.com the same as THISDOMAIN.COM?
I don't have a website yet, can I still register a domain name?
How long is my registration good for?
Can I register a long domain name here?
Will my free services such as URL Forwarding have advertising, popups or banners?
Can I use URL Forwarding to send people anywhere?
How long does it take before my URL Forwarding and email works?
What methods of payment do you accept?
Could a hacker steal my domain? That happens.
What if you guys go out of business, what happens to my domains?
What do I do with my domain name once it's registered?
May I point my domain name to free web sites such as those provided by GeoCitites.com?
Are domain names worth anything?
Can I change my domain name after it has been registered?
Do you support subdomains?
If I register a domain through 2Ya, will I be listed as its owner?
I've seen websites that have theirname.2Ya.com, what's that about?
You charge $19.95 to register a domain, don't some companies offer domains for free?
Is there a charge by 2Ya if I decide to transfer away to another registrar at a later date?
Do you provide me with webspace or a way to build a website?
How do I register a new name?
It's very simple and doesn't take long at all.
You can begin searching for a domain name by using the search box on our home page.
Once you find one or several that you want, proceed to checkout where
you will enter registration information. Alternatively, you can
first Register an account with us and then
begin shopping. By registering first, all your information is saved and you can
return at anytime to login and buy more or edit your domains with a few clicks.
What is the TOTAL cost to register a domain name here INCLUDING InterNIC fees?
For .com, .net, .org, .biz, and .info, the cost is only $19.95 per year.
The other TLDs cost a little more. Click here for
a list of prices.
What is a domain name?
A domain name is a name that allows others on the Internet to find your web site easily.
Simply put, a domain name is something.com, or something.net and so on.
After registering your domain name you can start to take advantage of email using your new domain.
For example, you can start sending and receiving email at "[email protected]".
Registering a domain name distinguishes yourself or your business from others on the Internet.
Are domains case sensitive? Is thisdomain.com the same as THISDOMAIN.COM?
No. Domains are not case sensitive and by registering
thisdomain.com the domain
will also work the same if you use
I don't have a website yet, can I still register a domain name?
Absolutely. Many people buy domain names so they can secure a name
they want before someone else does. Some people don't have any plans
for a website but wish to take advantage of getting personalized email
addresses such as "[email protected]".
If and when you do get a website, you can simply login to the control panel
and point your domain where you want it to go. Meanwhile, you can also
activate free page parking, which is customizable page allowing you to
place a message like "coming soon" or "email me at: [email protected]".
How long is my registration good for?
You can choose to register your domain for any period between one and ten years.
Can I register a long domain name here?
Absolutely. Names can have up to 67 characters including the .com or other TLD extension.
Will my free services such as URL Forwarding have advertising, popups or banners?
Absolutely not. As a matter of fact our service is transparent to your visitors.
If you are comparing us to other registration services that offer URL forwarding,
be sure to read the fine print as some will charge for these services or offer
them free but use popups or advertising frames to profit from your traffic.
Can I use URL Forwarding to send people anywhere?
Yes. Actually, one of the techniques that marketers use to increase traffic is to
register a number of domains that all forward to the same place and then submit all of
them to the search engines.
How long does it take before my URL Forwarding and email works?
After you register your domain, your information is immediately transmitted to
VeriSign to be added to the root files, which are then propagated throughout the internet
to the various nameservers. This entire process takes an average of 48 hours to complete
and is the same for all registrars. After that, changes you make in your control panel
should only take an hour or less to take effect, unless it involves changes to your nameserver settings,
which will have to go through the propagation process again.
What methods of payment do you accept?
We accept VISA, Mastercard, Discover & American Express.
We are planing on accepting paypal and check payments but this is not
available yet. If you are need either of these, please contact us and
let us know.
Could a hacker steal my domain? That happens.
It has never happened here, however, for added assurance, you should check the Registrar Lock box in your control panel.
This will prevent your domain from being moved without your knowledge and personal approval.
What if you guys go out of business, what happens to my domains?
We utilize the registration gateway of eNom,
(ICANN approved) and your domains are maintained on their servers.
By agreement, in the unlikely event that anything should happen to 2Ya.com
your domains would remain secure and fully accessible through eNom.
So rest assured that you are in good hands.
What do I do with my domain name once it's registered?
One of the first things you should do is to find a reliable web hosting company
to host your web site. Remember that registering a domain name is the first in a series
of processes. Once you have a web site or working URL, simply logon to our Domain Name Control Panel.
After logging in you can start to take advantage of our Free URL Redirect or URL Frame features
(Listen to a demo of how our Control Panel works). These tools allow you to point your domain name(s)
to any existing web site address or web page. For more information on our free services included with
your registration, visit our Control Panel FAQ.
May I point my domain name to free web sites such as those provided by GeoCitites.com?
Yes. Actually the majority of our customers choose us because we offer unlimited
free URL forwarding which allows you to forward your domain to a free website you've
created with geocities or other free site providers. Many people also already
have free web space provided by their ISP too.
Using our Free URL Forwarding service allows you to save money by not paying traditional
monthly hosting fees. Simply redirect your new domain name(s) to your free web pages
and you're done. With 2YA you can also take advantage of our free
email forwarding services and start receiving email using your new domain(s).
For more information on email forwarding and how to activate your 100 free email accounts,
visit our Control Panel FAQ.
Are domain names worth anything?
Yes, very much so. The more practical and useful it is for others,
the more it will be worth.
Recently, business.com sold for $7.5 million and computer.com sold for $500,000.
Domain names can be worth even more in non-monetary terms. A domain name gives you
a professional looking internet address and allows you to establish
an identity, of which the value may be immeasurable.
We highly suggest protecting yourself by making
the small investment in registering variations of your domain.
For example, if you bought the domain name "supertruck.com" you may
also want to get the plural "supertrucks.com", "super-truck.com",
and "supertruck.net" etc.
Can I change my domain name after it has been registered?
Domain names cannot be altered or canceled once registered. If you make a spelling mistake, your name will be registered incorrectly and your account will be billed.
Your domain registration is submitted to the registry soon after we receive your application. The registry does not allow modifications or cancellations of domain name registrations.
If you wish to change your domain name, you will register as a new name.
Do you support subdomains?
Yes. For each domain registered from 2Ya.com, you can have up to 100 subdomains that you can
point to an IP or URL. Plus you can create an infinite number
of subdomains by using a "catch-all". Just log-on to the Control Panel.
If you are wondering what subdomains are (aka 3rd level domains),
they are prefixes on your domain. Subdomain's look like: anything.yourdomain.com
where "anything" can be any word you choose.
If I register a domain through 2Ya, will I be listed as its owner?
Any domain registration that you purchase through 2Ya is owned by you.
Our domain management control panel offers you the ability to update contact fields for the domain at will, set up e-mail, configure third level domains, change its name servers (DNS), and much more. Using our domain name manager is a free service, giving you total control of your domain name.
I've seen websites that have theirname.2Ya.com, what's that about?
2Ya.com was initialy used by our other service: shortURL.com, where people can register free subdomain names.
Don't worry, registering a domain name through 2Ya.com will get you your very own domain, not a subdomain
of ours. If you prefer just a subdomain then you can visit shortURL.com and get one there. You will
be able to choose from serveral domains that we own, to get a subdomain on (ie. yourname.shorturl.com,
yourname.alturl.com, and others). This is a free service, however we highly suggest your make the small
investment and get your own .com name. ShortURL does not provide many of the services 2Ya does,
email forwarding and DNS for example. Getting a subdomain redirect doesnt make you the true owner, only
buying your very own domain does, and the benefits to that are immeasurable.
You charge $19.95 to register a domain, don't some companies offer domains for free?
Not when you read the fine print. The fact is that the registrar is required to pay
Internic or other TLD registries a fee for every name they register plus finance overhead costs.
Nobody can get a domain for free, so if they are offering it for free there is a catch.
There are several marketing ploys that use "free" registration as bait, but when you look
closely at the fine print you will see that our $19.95 price is far cheaper than their "free" price.
The offers we have seen require you supply credit card information and they
will charge you for an expensive renewal 1 year later. Or they will bill you and you are contractualy
obligated to pay. To prevent you from transfering your
domain, they often remain the registrant, meaning you do not own your domain — they do!
You can also be sure that you will not be offered the selection of free services such as those we include
with every registration.
Is there a charge by 2Ya if I decide to transfer away to another registrar at a later date?
No we do not charge you to move away from us and you can transfer your domain to another
registrar at anytime.
Do you provide webspace or a way for me to make a webpage?
We are a domain name registration provider, not a webhost. Most domain registrars
only offer domain registration and those that do provide web hosting
services charge a monthly or yearly fee, plus often a setup fee or a contractual
term agreement.
We do plan on offering website hosting solutions in the future, but it will
be for an extra monthly or yearly fee.
Our customer's manage their domain(s) with us and point them to their
webhosting provider. If you have a paid webhost somewhere, they will tell
you what Nameservers to point your domain to. If you have a free
webhosting provider they will give you a URL address like:
and you can use our free URL Forwarding feature to forward your domain
name to that address.
Managing a domain name with us allows you to remain independent of your webhost.
Should you wish to change webhosting providers, you can easily update your
account with us an point it to the new location. Plus we offer a whole suite
of services like email forwarding, DNS management and subdomain controls that
you allow you to be the master of your domain.